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Plaza Centers Denies, Workers still Without Pay

In response to the attention around the case of the unpaid workers at the Torun Plaza construction site, Plaza Centers issued a statement to the press claiming to be up-to-date with all payments. They also claimed that the general contractor (Karmar) and the subcontractors (Dynamic-Metal and F-Tech) have assured them that all workers have been paid.

This statement, which was released to the press today, does not reflect the facts. ZSP contacted workers who have not been paid and has found that they still have not been paid.

This statement also contradicts claims made by the subcontractors to the press 2 days ago. In Gazeta Pomorska, F-Tech admitted that their workers were owed "at least one month's salary". As of today, this is still the case.

Each entity is blaming the other for delayed payments and in the meanwhile, many workers have still not got paid. It seems that Plaza Centers either has not checked with the workers or simply is trying to protect its image by issuing this statement. The workers are not being paid and if they do not believe this and do nothing to fix the situation immediately, then they may meet some on their doorsteps next week, ready to confront them and inform the public about the truth of the situation.