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On January 12, ZSP Multibranch Union protested at Manpower headquarters in Warsaw about the ongoing problems of workers at Amazon employed through that agency, among others. A number of persistent problems have been reported by workers since the fulfillment centers in Sady and Bielany Wroclawskie opened a few months ago.
We spoke to the legal department at Manpower for quite some time about specific cases and noted some additional suggestions for Amazon, such as that they should put the rules for awarding bonuses on paper, so that the criteria is transparent. This representative from Manpower will go to Amazon in two days, check the situation and pass on what we have said. We hope that we can resolve these concrete situations. However we were told that it is not possible to check the situation of all the workers, only the ones who specifically go to them with concrete issues.
There was also a problem that we would have liked to speak about December payments, but they only had paperwork for November ready. Therefore we will simply have to go back.
In related cases, Adecco made payments to workers, even for certain periods of breaks in work. We are very glad Adecco made these payments - but it was only for the few people that fought for it, not for everybody.
We will continue to visit the agencies, but in other cities as well, with informational pickets. In the meanwhile, the ZSP in Amazon has doubled and we continue to encourage others from outside the union to also take action.