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Anarchosyndicalism - talk in Holland

During the annual Pinksterlanddagen in Holland, members of the Anarchosyndicalist Union (ASB) and ZSP gave a presentation about anarchosyndicalism. The members of ASB gave a little background on anarchosyndicalism and, since this was an anarchist event, also on its connections to anarchism. They presented the ideas of the ASB and a little about their history and activities. A member of ZSP spoke about the international dimensions of anarchosyndicalism and gave practical examples of struggles on different levels, including some that could be carried out in Holland.

The next day, insurrectionalists with primitivist tendencies made a presentation against syndicalism in general, which led to an animated debate.

The ASB most recently has joined in on actions started by unemployed people against the Workfare scheme. This is basically a program to force unemployed people to work in exchange for benefits and allows companies to have free labor for them, subsidized by the public through state benefits. (Our sister organization in Great Britain, Solidarity Federation is active against this program.) ASB is also involved in a campaign against FlexiWork and is hoping to start new activities in its Amsterdam office soon.