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ZSP union in Warsaw responds to the current situation with some concrete demands. These are partly in response to the Act called „Shield 2.0”. The first version of the Act contained many illogical and unjust terms which we criticized. Some things we later changed in the version 2.0 but other problems remain or were added. The Act pretends to protect workers but mostly is an economic stimulus program to subsidize businesses during the crisis. Workers also cannot apply for certain forms of help themselves but only the bosses can apply. We have shown statistical evidence that many bosses are not asking for this help on behalf of their workforce. The unemployed or people between gigs are not entitled to help. We have been speaking publically about the problems of this version of the Act and these points are being widely criticized. Others have made similar criticisms. For the purpose of this introduction and to be brief, we will not go into all the technicalities
ZSP demands:
- Changes in the Shield 2.0 Act so that public funds go directly to those who need it most and are not only used to maintain high profits for businesses and investors.
- Pay for idle time amounting in 100% for everybody. Emergency financial aid for everybody that the government forget about (like the unemployed or gig workers).
- Paid sick leave for all people who are ill, irrespective of their type of employment. Free health care and medicine. Provision of protective means to anybody in need. An increase in spending on health care. Raises for health care workers and improvement of their working conditions.
- Social solidarity with workers from essential services. We must also increase employment instead of forcing workers to work overtime.
- Withdrawing the new legal mechanisms which make it easier for companies to worsen work conditions without the consent of workers or unions. Introducting new, effective mechanisms for them to contest the changes.
- Raises and improvement in working conditions for all underpaid workers. Decent wages for everybody!
- Special support for the homeless and people living in difficult sanitary or housing conditions (including overcrowding). Social solidarity with people who are at high risk of becoming ill. Support for victims of domestic violence. Rent waivers and more support for tenants.
- Access to aid for people on trash contracts without having to go through the bosses. New rights for the Labor Inspectorate, legal help and facilitation for workers on trash contracts who want to regulate their employment status.
- An immediate end to a ban on public gatherings and protests, even if sanitary measure are taken.
We should go on strike wherever the bosses or government force us to work at risk. Let's fight for our rights! We will protest against the anti-social politics of the government!