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The IWA Days of Action concided with a general strike and were marked by campaigns against capitalist exploitation in concrete workplaces and by protests against capitalism, austerity measures and other attacks against the working class. Actions of different sorts took place in many countries. Below is a summary of different actions which we have received accounts of. Some of these actions are described in more detail in separate articles in this bulletin.
Day One: March 29
Without a doubt, the most extensive action held that day was the general strike in Spain, called by the CNT-AIT. (See the separate news on the strike in Spain)
Comrades from dozens of cities took part in blockades, pickets at workplaces where the CNT have conflicts, offices of political parties, municipalities and other places. Some unions held their own demonstrations, some went as blocks in joint demos. There were many successful blockades of scabs and closures of some businesses for the day, there were clashes with police, there were actions day and night.
Solidarity actions were organized internationally, in Lisbon, Warsaw, Berlin, Frankfurt, Stuttgart, Nurnberg and Oslo.
Some other actions were organized on March 29 as well. In Bratislava, Priama Akcia took part in solidarity actions at Roche, called for by the ZSP. The ASF in Melbourne protested at Roche and the NSF in Oslo made a leafletting action. In Madrid, Roche was also picketed during the general strike.
In Brazil, the COB held a demonstration against capitalism and the global crisis in Porto Alegre.
It was in Madrid the Local Federation of the CNT-AIT demonstrating during the General Strike and in support of the IWA Days of Action.
Day Two: March 30
In Brazil, COB held a demonstration against capitalism and the global crisis in Araxa. COB in Florianopolis and Altosertao-Sergipano also did postering, leafleting and other actions during the action days.
The ZSP protested against raising the retirement age in Poland at the Parliament, together with other unions. It later organized a protest against the privatization of some school cafeterias, which means, among other things, the liquidation of workplaces.
The NSF had pickets in front of metro stations and in working class areas against austerity measures, temporary work and against plans of massive deportations of Ethiopian asylum seekers.
Day Three: March 31
Most of the IWA Sections chose Saturday for their actions.
The SolFed, in its ongoing campaign against the Workfare Scheme, where young unemployed people are expected to work for free, picketed establishments using these scheme in many cities in Great Britain.
The Global IWA Action Days also coincided with the European Day against Capitalism (M31). The FAU took part in a large anti-capitalist mobilization together with many left organizations in Germany which took part in Frankfurt / Main. Other international demonstrations coincided with this mobilization, which was a European Day against Capitalism. There were clashes with police and repression during this demonstration that wanted to go to the building site of the ECB to protest its role in capitalist oppression and austerity measures.
Some Sections of the CNT took part in the European Day against Capitalism. There were also references to both the IWA Days of Action and M31. There was a demonstration in Toledo and rallies in Badajoz, Murcia, Castro Urdiales, Zaragoza, Aranjuez and Bilbao. The CNT made other actions that day, in Leon and Guipuzkoa.
The ZSP held a demonstration in Warsaw against austerity measures and capitalism.
KRAS held a similar rally in Moscow.
The USI-AIT participated in the European Day against Capitalism by organizing a rally in Modena. It also participated in an anti-government demo in Milan.
The AIT-SP held rallies in Porto and Lisbon. In Porto the comrades also protested in support of a self-managed school which is threatened with eviction.