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Labour Inspectorate Confirms Violations of Workers' Rights in Dino Supermarkets
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Związek Syndykalistów Polski has been in a labour conflict with Dino supermarkets for the last couple of months. The conflict started with the firing of workers who had formed a union and were trying to improve working conditions and eliminate health and safety risks. Since then, workers and former workers of Dino have been organizing with ZSP, demanding the reinstatement of fired workers, compensation for unpaid overtime work, the correction of all violations of the Labour Code and the elimination of all health and safety risks.

At the request of ZSP, the State Labour Inspectorate conducted an inspection of Dino supermarkets. We felt that this step was necessary to help evidence our claims against the firm. ZSP has been informing workers and organizing to make the company pay the overtime due.

As we understand, the inspection might continue, especially as we present new evidence. But we already have the first results of the inspection. The Inspectorate found the following irregularities and violations:

- hiring people for more than 5 days per week on average
- not showing the actual hours worked in the evidence of working time
- not giving workers days off in exchange for working on a non-working day
- not ensuring the workers had the statutory minimum of 11 hours rest between shifts
- not always giving the workers any day off in the working week
- not informing the workers of changes in their working schedule at least a day in advance, as required
- not always allowing the workers to have any break during the working day
- making workers with disabilities work overtime and at night without the appropriate medical consent
- not paying overtime for working on holidays and evenings

In addition there were numerous health and safety violations, including incorrect conducting of medical examinations and lack of health and safety training.

ZSP will be continuing actions at Dino Supermarkets and encourage all workers who have been subject to such violations to organize!