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ZSP took part in the international day of action in solidarity with the workers of Visteon Cadiz Electronica who are fighting against the closure of their factory. Our comrades from the CNT in the factory called for actions at Visteon / Ford so we visited the Ford Polska headquarters. We gave out leaflets informing about the situation; this followed some informational actions during the week which included postering and hanging info-exhibits on Ford dealerships around the city.
On the same day, workers from the factory held a rally in Jerez de la Frontera.
Unfortunately we were not able to go into Ford headquarters. We entered into the office compound and made some noise but were quickly surrounded by security guards. Since both Ford and Plaza Centers are located in the same building, we have been here numerous times in the past month, which makes it hard to get past the security. However, one comrade who went separately managed to get on the premises where he managed to distribute leaflets for quite some time.
We will continue informing about this case and send our solidarity to our comrades who are fighting!