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Support the 7 nurses in Wyszkow hospital who were repressed for union activity! On June 15 the nurses from the Union of Anesthesiological Nurses won't go to work, for a number of reasons. They are demanding the reinstatement of the dismissed unionists, the elimination of health and safety risks, money which they were underpaid and an increase in salary.
The nurses, part of an independent union at the hospital, were fired before the weekend for planning a strike. The hospital administration wrote up disciplinary dismissals for the women who have been working there for 30-40 years! It also has been hanging notices around the hospital claiming that the strike would be illegal and threatening to fire anybody who takes part.
If you would like to support the nurses against this repression, you can send an email or fax to the hospital. See below.
______________________(name of the organization) demands the reinstatement of the nurses fired and that the hospital stop threatening workers! We support the demands of the nurses, whose labor is undervalued and condemn the actions of the hospital administration.
(to) Do: Cecylia Dążała, Dyrektor. Agmieszka Ogonowska, Zastępca dyrektora
Nasza organizacja _______NAME____________ , domaga się natychmiastowego przywrócenia do pracy zwolnionych pielęgniarek i zaprzestania zastraszania pracowników. Wspieramy żądania pielęgniarek, których praca nie jest właściwie wynagradzana, oraz potępiamy działania administracji szpitala.
Send to:
Fax: (48) 29 743 76 05
For formal letters, name of the hospital, directors and address:
Cecylia Dążała, Dyrektor
Agmieszka Ogonowska, Zastępca dyrektora
ul. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej 1
07-200 Wyszków