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ZSP Congress and 10th Anniversary

On April 1-2 the ZSP held its 11th Congress and 10th Anniversary event in Warsaw. The event took place on Sunday and consisted of presentations and films of different actions that ZSP organized over the years. These included not only many workplace conflicts and a few strikes, but also we presented some other types of activity such as anti-militarist actions and protests against price increases and for free public transport. This was interesting for some newer people who didn't know about a lot of these social actions. There was also a discussion about how ZSP is different than other unions and what the role of certain unions actually are today. This was important as in the hall were a few people who were betrayed by other unions and who could speak directly to that (as well as a few people from a couple of those other unions who maybe were interested in what we had to say). Finally, there was a presentation of some current conflicts, such as at the Post Office or Polomarket where the workers involved talked about their situations and struggles. One of the speakers was recently fired from the Post Office for his role in organizing protests and another is being repressed by Polomarket for speaking out about the working conditions. (The firm has brought a criminal case against him.) We spoke about the need for solidarity in these and other struggles.

Later on there was also a meeting of postal workers and us who are coordinating the national protest in Warsaw next week. The demands of the protest include the reinstatement of the two workers fired after recent decentralized protests and the other postulates of the workers, which include a raise and reorganization of the regions.

On Saturday, the Congress was held and a number of resolutions were made. ZSP will organize a regional anarchosyndicalist event at the end of June. There were also many discussions, including on concrete cases which on ongoing, with strategies for developing these struggles.

We thank all those who sent us best wishes!