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ZSP Writes Open Letter to Clients of Impuls Agency

Current and former employees of the Impuls Agency are determined to continue the struggle with the agency which has violated their rights and has not been paying the workers. Organized inside the multi-branch union of the ZSP in Warsaw, plans are being made for new direct actions against the firm, as well as various legal actions.

As we understand, Impuls has had to pay the consequences of their actions and as many as 2/3 of the firms clients have suspended their contracts. This has led us to discuss the situation of the workers affected, who have been harmed by the agency in various ways.

The management of the agency has been visiting its clients, trying to convince them that what they have heard in the media is not true and that the people behind the actions are some bunch of crazies. But as they do this, more and more people are bringing and winning claims against the agency. The last time was last week when a former employee easily won against the agency in court. The agency has also been forced to make some new payments to people who are working on this campaign. But despite the fact that already thousands of euros have been paid out, we know that this is just the tip of the iceberg.

ZSP is calling on the clients of the agency to consider directly hiring the workers instead of using the agency. It has been able, through study of public tender documents, to find cases where the agency is charging as much money as would be needed to hire people normally. ZSP also notes that the agency was used by public institutions and calls on all these institutions to hire people directly, not using agencies, on normal work contracts.

In the meanwhile we have learned that the agency is trying to switch some clients and employees to another firm it owns. So it warns potential customers that these two firms are actually the same owners, and it warns employees about what could happen.