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On July 1, members of ZSP and FEMEN made a solidarity action and protest in front of the Brazilian Embassy in Warsaw. With this action we wanted to show our solidarity to the protesters and also to respond to the call of our comrades from COB-AIT to protest the repression going on. Members of COB-AIT are amongst those facing charges for protesting.

In a letter to the Embassy, we demanded an end to the repressive and anti-social actions of the state. To local people we pointed out that the people in Brazil are doing what we failed to do - to get to the streets and fight against issues such as gentrification, high prices and squandering of public money.

Solidarity with those that are fighting!

We will go back to the Embassy with a bigger protest next week.


On June 25 a protest was held in Wroclaw against the changes to the Labor Code which effectively eliminate the 8-hour working day and introduce a number of negative provisions. The protest started at the Vojevodship office and marched to the headquarters of the Civil Platform ruling party. Besides protesting against these changes, people spoke out against other problems of workers, such as the problems of precarity and the problems of the unemployed. There was also criticism of government plans to deny benefits to unemployed people who do not accept any job offered to them.

This demonstration is part of a series of protests organized and planned by the ZSP in reaction to the newly adopted changes. Members of "Tenants Action" also supported the protest.


On June 22 ZSP organized a picket in Katowice to protest against the changes in the Labor Code and Act on Trade Unions which effectively eliminate the guaranteed 8-hour work day. Speeches were made informing people of what the changes in the Labour Code actually mean and many leaflets were distributed, with many people stopping to talk and show their support.

During the picket, some told about the situation in their branches. A psychologist spoke about some of the difficulties some workers in that profession are having and a miner said that it shows how widespread the problems are and that they touch all sorts of workers, not just in areas like production or physical work. A construction worker who was passing by also wanted to speak and find out if any comrades worked in his branch. The picket attracted the attention of a wide range of people.

Despite the rain on and off, the picket lasted a couple of hours and came in contact with a lot of people.

More protests are planned around this issue in different cities in Poland.

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On June 21 the case against Roche Polska continued. Our fellow worker is fighting against the corporate giant and their big gun lawyers to get his employment status recognized. The company had used outside entrepeneurs as a way of getting labor without having to give them any benefits employees are entitled to, such as paid vacation or sick leave and to avoid any responsibility; such workers are easily disposed of without the normal procedures.

At this hearing, witnesses from Roche middle management came and held the company line. One "did not recall" any daily meetings which such workers say they were required to be at in the company. The company claims that the so-called "non-employed workers" did not have to even come into work if they didn't want and in their lawsuit claim they have no idea why the fellow worker came in from 9-5 every day. But the answer is the contract given by Roche to the outside agent requiring that the worker come at these hours. A second witness gave testimony to the workers' conditions for the time he was a so-called "non-employed" worker, but as our colleague pointed out, he had never even met her in that period. So he wondered how she could speak about his specific conditions.

Observers of the case assessed that the managers' testimony was pretty much as expected and note the contradictions between what the workers claim and said in court and the line of the firm.


On June 20 we organized a demonstration in Warsaw in defence of the rights of workers and the unemployed. The demonstration was originally supposed to be just in defence of the unemployed. The government wants to introduce rules that would take unemployed people off the register, deny them benefits and even health care if they turn down any job offer. In such a way, they will drive down wages and promote shit jobs as employers will think that nobody will be able to refuse them. However, on June 13, the Sejm approved changes to the Labor Code and the Act on Trade Unions that in effect abolish the 8-hour day. (More information here: So naturally we had to protest against this issue as well.

Many people stopped to listen to some speeches, complaining that there is no good information in the media on this topic. We explained how the new rules will work and the fact that employers will be able to give workers schedules of even 12 hours a day, for 6 days a week, and then put them on leave for almost 6 months, paying them minimum wage during that time. People spoke about how hard workers struggled for the 8-hour day and how easy it was to lose it, without much of the society even being aware.


As part of IWA International Days of Action against dismissals and unemployment, we reminded workers of Capgemini Poland about the struggle of their Spanish colleagues against a redunancy plan which will affect hundreds of workers. Posters were hung around the office and leaflets given out to the people in the office building and passersby. We also reminded workers of the fact that they can be treated as disposable by companies like this and that instead of competing against each other in the race to the bottom, we need to organize ourselves and build global solidarity.

Solidarity with those in struggle in Capgemini!

Send an e-mail protest and support the workers against downsizing:

Report on a recent day of action:


On June 18, in the frame of the International Days against dismissals and in defense of the rights of the unemployed organized by the IWA, there was a solidarity picket at the Polish Institute in Berlin organized by a new Union of Unemployed of FAU and the ZSP. The picket informed people about the working and social conditions in Poland, including the shockingly low payment for the unemployed and new attempts to take away benefits and health care for anybody refusing any job offer. There was also information about the liquidation of the 8-hour day and other anti-social ideas of the authorities, such as putting people without homes in containers.

Activists from FAU and ZSP spoke to passersby about international workers' solidarity and about fighting together to improve the conditions of all, instead of getting into destructive competition and a race to the bottom.

The activists from these two unions also have made a guide with advice for unemployed Poland immigrants in Germany.


We put posters all around the Alstom headquarters in Warsaw and handed out leaflets on June 18 when workers from that company went on strike in Spain to protest the closure of factories and the dismissal of hundreds of workers. (More information can be found here. )

With this we wish to send our solidarity to the workers and to the comrades of the CNT-AIT Zamora who are also involved in this struggle. The action is also part of international days of action against dismissals and unemployment.

Updates here:


On June 17, ZSP organized a picket at an employment office in Wroclaw. The action is one of a series of such actions in response to government plans to deny unemployment and health care benefits to any unemployed person who refuses any job offer. Such a person who lose their benefits for a period of 9 months.

Many unemployed people stopped to talk, also proposing, among other things, to take action to get free public transport for the unemployed. The activists of ZSP handed out hundreds of leaflets and calls on people to organize resistance against the attacks on their rights and living conditions.

The action took part during a week of various actions against unemployment.


On June 13, the Polish government eliminated the 8-hour working day, a right which was won in 1919. ZSP will protest and calls for international solidarity!

We cannot allow such attacks on the working class to pass!

The actions of the government are another serious blow to the working class, which is already in a very weak position. We are in the forefront of the neoliberal social and economic policies in Europe, under constant attack - a fact which few seem to notice as the Polish working class remains silently on its knees, begging for its life in front of the executioners of its rights.

It is high time to join us in speaking out against what is happening in this country.

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