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Last week the Okrzejówki Brigades were formed, in response to the growing number of arson attacks in the Praga district of Warsaw. These have included attacks on people who decided to fight against their evictions or have been part of the Tenants' Defense Committee. We refuse to let the speculators and landlords terrorize people and we decided to take matters into our own hands!

Besides the ZSP, some members of the Committee and other people from the neighbourhood are patrolling every night. The slogan of the brigades, which will do more than just patrol, is "Self-defense and mutual aid".

There have been at least 55 fires in the immediate vicinity of our office over the past year. The area is to be gentrified and the city would like to get rid of as many tenants as possible. More information about the fires, protests and the brigades, along with photos, can be found on the ZSP Warsaw blog in English.

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On Dec. 14, ZSP held an informational action at a shopping mall in Warsaw to draw attention to the working conditions in FF Mercantil factory in Brazil and to the case of Icaro Polleto from the COB-AIT, who was due in court on the same day.

Icaro was working at FF Mercantil, a sweatshop which produces mainly for the LOTTO and FINTA brands sport clothing. He was involved in trying to organize there. Workers were demanding a five-hour work week, 8-hour day, air conditioning and ventilation, extra pay for working in hazardous conditions and the right to organize.


ZSP calls on all friends, comrades and neighbours to participate in actions against the arsons made by developers and gentrifiers in Warsaw's Praga district. (For more information, see the ZSP Warsaw blog, here (about recent fires) and here (with some background information). We will be at the demo of the Tenants' Defense Committee on Saturday and there will be some organizing / actions before that.

Some members of ZSP declared the formation of a neighbourhood self-defense organization and patrols to deal with the problem immediately.


On Nov. 29, 11 people were arrested during a protest against a shale gas conference.

We condemn the harsh arrests of activists peacefully protesting against the conference on shale gas. Once again we see how the police needlessly intervene to stop social protests, not refraining themselves when physically handling the protesters. And once again we see how the police conspire to blame the protesters who were subjected to repression and violence.


Karol M. has been in a coma since November 3. That's when he had an accident at his construction job in Warsaw. To the horror of his family, it turned out that Karol was never given any contract by the work agency "Jerzy Madziarowicz MIX". The boss did not report the accident at work and went he was called by the police, he claimed that Karol did not work for him.

Karol has no insurance. He may never be able to work again. And Madziarowicz is trying to avoid responsibility. ZSP has started an action against the agency. The first step was to try to collect evidence that the agency is functioning and hiring people, with or without contracts. Now there is the task, which is not easy in Poland, of getting compensation for Karol.

Madziarowicz can expect a visit from us and should understand that we have been speaking to other people who have worked for him.


On Dec. 2, there was a picket at the Greek embassy in Warsaw against capitalist exploitation, austerity measures, repression and other attacks on working people in Greece. The protesters also the demanded release of prisoners. The ZSP distributed the following text:

We stand in solidarity with the people of Greece, fighting against the ploys of the ruling classes which are forcing more and more austerity measures on them. In Poland we hear the nonsense of neoliberal logic repeated again and again about how it is necessary to make cuts, as if the Greek working classes were living some life of waste and luxury. In reality, all the waste always comes from the top and it is the people who are made to pay for this. A few people get rich, while most working people get screwed.


On Nov. 25 ZSP held a picket in front of the French embassy in Warsaw to bring attention to the case of three comrades from the Spanish CNT who are in arrest in France. The three wanted to demonstrate against the G20 Summit in Cannes but were detained during preventative searches on Nov. 1. The police arrested them for bullshit reasons, because of certain items they had in their car, all of which could be normally explained - ie. they had mountain climbing equipment because they are in a mountain climbing club and were travelling near the Alps. However, the police asked many political questions and developed their theories to consider the comrades suspicious. They are supposed to remain in arrest in Nice for four months and have a ban on entering the region for 3 years.

Numerous solidarity demonstrations have been held in France and Spain demanding the release of the comrades.

A solidarity page has been made (in Spanish)


First, we would like to thank the people who came to Warsaw, especially those who travelled from abroad to show solidarity with the goal of resisting the spread of far-right manifestations. Our goal is a common one: a world where such ideas finally hit the dustbin of history, where people unite to show their opposition to the far-right, nationalism, racism and fascistic ideologies.

We also express our condemnation for many incidents around the participation of these people in the blockade.

First, we criticize the media for its role in creating hysteria, before, during and after the incidents related to November 11 regarding these people, especially regarding the German activists.

An image was created for these people from the beginning. They were presented as practically some paramilitary group. In the meanwhile, paramilitary training goes on in Poland, in the camps of the far-right, without too much notice – certainly the media forgot to create hysteria about the mobilization of such people to the capital for the 11th, instead looking for some external threat.


Such a letter comes as no surprise to us.

This is not the first time we have seem problems with such a pyramid of responsibility on construction sites and it probably will not be the last. Each entity ensures the public that there is not fault and no problem. Workers, who unwisely agreed to work off the records or did not get their overtime evidenced, are just screwed.


The firm Plaza Centers has demanded that we rectify information about the situation on the Torun Plaza building site. We are publishing the letter received.

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