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Campaigners are claiming a major scalp in the fight against workfare after retailer Holland & Barrett announced they were pulling out of the scheme. On hearing the news, Brighton Solidarity Federation tweeted "we've won an important battle against workfare, but the war is far from over." The announcement came just 24 hours before a planned national week of action against workfare organised by the Boycott Workfare Network. Holland & Barrett had strongly backed workfare, announcing that they were committed to taking 1,000 people on unpaid work schemes this year alone (out of a workforce of just 3,500).
Over the last few years, the CNT-AIT has been active in the airline industry in Spain. Its members have organized unions in airlines and passenger services firms, in areas such as ground handling or sanitation services. Its actions have included strikes and partial strikes in Prat Airport in Barcelona, in Iberia airlines and actions against companies such as Vueling and Ryanir, FlightCare and WFS flight services.
Recently it decided to sue the low-cost airlines Vueling and Ryanair as well as Groundforce after they took over the business of the bankrupt Spanair without transferring any of its employment contracts. What these companies did was then to try to recruit some of the former employees on much worse working conditions. In this process, these companies are trying to avoid application of the collective agreements as well.
The USI-AIT, together with its unions in the sectors - USI-Health, USI-Post Office, USI-LEL, USI- Social Cooperatives and USI-IUR - declares a general strike in the public and private sector for the entire day of 22 June 2012, with the exception of the Emilia Romagna region. Given the continuing economic crisis, we demand that the government guarantees all income and services to continue living in dignity, recover resources lost by tax evasion and taxing higher incomes and eliminating wasteful spending such as on the military, spreading the available work, expanding social safety nets to all workers on an ongoing basis.
Denied deposits? Refused repairs? Harassed by your landlord?
South London Solfed can help you fight back against the exploitative practices of landlords and estate agencies.
Our new "Stuff Your Landlord" leaflet lists some basic legal rights.
It can be useful to know the law because many landlords don’t follow basic legal requirements. But we also need to remember that the law is not going to be on our side most of the time. We shouldn’t rely on a court system designed to benefit the rich and powerful to make sure we’re treated fairly.
Fighting a legal battle can be costly, take a lot of time and require specialized skills. Direct action doesn’t. Anyone can take direct action and win. Instead of relying on courts and lawyers, direct action means that we win through organising ourselves and confronting landlords collectively. It could be something straightforward, like going down as a group to demand your landlord complete unfinished repairs. Or organising a demonstration and internet campaign against an estate agent.
Statement of FAU's Annual Congress about Constrictions of the Right to Demonstrate during European Wide Anti-Capitalist Days of Action
Participants of the base union Freie Arbeiterinnen und Arbeiter-Union (FAU-IAA) annual congress reject the authoritarian restrictions by the government and the police during the European wide day of action M31 and the Blockupy action days from May 16 to May 19, 2012 in Frankfurt/M. We do not only condemn the clearing of the Occupy camp in front of the European Central Bank (ECB) by the police but also the principal prohibition of the kick-off meeting and all planned concerts, blockades, discussions, pickets and demonstrations during these four Blockupy days. Neither do we accept the 1430 detentions which took place altogether during the protests in this metropolis.
The IWA- Plenary in Warsaw on October 28, 29 and 30 decided that the IWA should have an
External Bulletin. Prior to that, various Congresses had treated the issue with the same
wish. You are now reading the first issue. The editor responsible is the IWA - Secretariat,
but it is made by excellent compilation of the IS of the ZSP.
It shows the activities and actions of the IWA this last winter and this spring during the
serious and hard times we are living in of today`s Capitalism.
The IWA was (re) founded 90 years ago in Berlin. Since then we have seen
the state communist dictatorships vanish, the Social Democrats are in the forefront of the
interests of the capitalists, the Trotskyists show themselves as electoral politicians etc.
The IWA is an unique organization in this vast ocean of organizations which are
integrated into the system, and the material in the bulletin shows actions that are run
by the affiliates in organizations that do not receive any subsidies from the state and/or
capitalists and that do not class collaborate!
ASF Brisbane has initiated a campaign against Domino’s Pizza for recently slashing workers wages by 19%, overnight, calling for the reinstatement of the workers wages.
“This proactive approach is about ensuring we our operating our business ethically and in the best interests of our valuable team members,” a statement from chief executive Don Meij in regard an audit on driver wages held in February.
It appears Domino’s only uses these words it doesn’t mean them.
Join with the Anarcho-Syndicalist Federation and show solidarity to our members and other Domino’s Pizza workers who have lost 19% of their wage on Monday 14th of May, 4pm outside their offices at Level 8, 240 Sandgate Rd, Albion in Brisbane, Queensland.
On May 8, a court hearing took placein the case of a comrade from the CNT-AIT union in the Complutense University of Madrid against her dismissal in November 2011. This union had previously organized a series of actions to support her and others who were dismissed, among them our old union delegate.
Given the refusal of the Rector and management to meet with this union to negotiate, it was decided to stop waiting and Monday, May 7, first thing in the morning, a dozen comrades appeared at the office of the Rector, José Carrillo, to meet with him. He was not there at that moment as the meeting of the Governing Council was about to begin, so we went to the entrance of the Graduate Hall and, in the presence of various security agents, chanted slogans against the dismissals, cuts, the unions taking part in elections and subsidized and in favor of giving contracts to the teaching fellows. After a few minutes, the Rector came. He did not deign to speak with the workers and students in struggle and went escorted to the Graduate Hall. Union representatives who are part of the Governing Council also passed by, eager to pay homage to their friend Carrillo.
The CNT will not stay quiet in the light of the offensives against workers' rights, many of which were won through the union struggle over a century. The 1 of May is a celebration of this hard struggle, which cost four lives in 1887 but which raised awareness and international solidarity which continues until today.
Throughout the Spanish state, the CNT went on the streets to remember the spirit of Chicago of these years and to remember Spain at the beginning of the 20th century, when working only 8 hours a day was a dream (although not too far off), to remember those who perished and those who resisted. The CNT took to the streeks to also gather strength to resist today. From Galicia, where demonstrations were organized in 5 cities, some with other organizations, some only by CNT, to the Canary Islands where days of struggles were called in Tenerife and Gran Canaria, having nothing to do with a walk in the street. From Murcia where a dinner took place after going through the city accompanied by live music to Madrid where, because of its size, there were three demonstrations, one in the north, in the sierra another on the traditional route through the capital and the third in Alcorcón, where the CNT could be seen in the streets under a tide of red and black. We could also mention Toledo, Granada, Bilbao...
The local section of the USI-AIT, together with some other libertarian organizations, held a May Day demonstration in the city of Parma. According to the organizers, ¨Workers from different sectors, immigrants and students wanted to show that another type of union movement (militant and based in the class struggle)is not only possible, but necessary¨. About 600 people took part in the demonstration.
One group of immigrants participating in the demonstration also demanded the right to housing. One activist, a Tunisian immigrant, spoke about labour issues and related this to the right to decent housing.
There was mention of a recently squatted building, of the anti-TAV struggle and antifascism. The demonstration stopped to remember Antonio Cieri, participant in the antifascist barricades of Parma in 1922, killed during the Spanish Revolution.